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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Old Monkey Stories Episode 4/50 - WISHCOM's Car

I was with "MC" in that shopping center, and as we passed in front of Levi's shop, "MC" remembered that story that happened with the Old Monkey "RPD" in "WISHCOM" and here what he said:
"I was wearing a Levi's T-shirt that I bought from India, and when "RPD" saw the t-shirt, he just couldn't shut up, and make it easy so he said "You're the property of Levi", I just think about it and answered "ok, I agree, but you must agree that you're the property of "WISHCOM", as you're driving a "WISHCOM" car". The old monkey was surprised, and his reaction came two days later, so below you can see how was the car of "WISHCOM" and all the transformations that "RPD" made for that same car.

Original car

Two days later

Three days later

Four days later
So I just want to ask "RPD" this question: "Are you really superstitious to the point that you can't assume what you're doing and all your choices in life? or are you just shy driving a car with "WISHCOM" label? Cause if you choose the second answer that's not nice as "WISHCOM" is the company that make you survive you and your family and maybe you should be more proud."
NB: This is fiction and any resemblance with existing people or situations could be only fortuitous.


  • Bonjour Mejed

    Désolé d'être hors sujet

    Mais je prépare un sujet de mémoire sur les blog en entreprise.

    J'ai remarqué que plusieurs tunisiens ont leur blog personnel
    hors les blogs restent inconnu de la part des entreprises
    Pourtant,il peuvent contribuer à mieu comprendre le comportement du consommateur.
    Moi et ma binome cherchons de l'aide auprés des blogueurs tunisiens

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    ou bien passer les info pour ceux que tu estimes interessés
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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:38 AM  

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